Taking The Cheap Out Of China
Taking The Cheap Out Of China
As I look around my Ham radio shack I have a lot of little items scattered around that are very cheaply made. I can make a safe bet that most of them if not all of them, have a little sticker on the bottom that says “Made in China”. It is also safe to assume that most are slightly defective if not flat http://www.cheapjerseys11.com/ out broken in some way.
Cheap doesn’t always mean poorly made.
As a amateur radio operator I am always on the lookout for a good deal, whether it be accessories for radio gear and equipment or radio gear in general. Enter the Baofeng UV 5Ra dual band amateur radio.
The Baofeng dual band amateur radio is a fairly well made radio with a rugged plastic case. It seems to be taking the Amateur radio and prepper community by storm. It will communicate with any service radios that you currently have in the VHF/UHF range, making it easy to extend your communications needs without purchasing expensive equipment.
it comes in various colors as well. It is a well made hand held amateur radio that is under 50 dollars. It transmits and receives from 130MHZ to 170MHZ and 400MHZ to 470MHZ. Well within ham radio specifications. it is also usable in the commercial bands as well as the Family Radio service. With 4 watts of output on its dual band antenna, it increases the range of most other FRS radios that only have 1/2 watt output with a fixed antenna.
The Baofeng UV5Ra dual band Amateur radio is a radio that will serve you whether you are an amateur radio operator, a survivalist/prepper or Family Radio Service (FRS) enthusiast. With its 4 w output it will increase the range of your communications needs 4 times over. It also has the ability to connect an external antenna increasing your range even farther. And with its cheap price tag you no longer have to cringe as you click on the PayPal link to make the sale. It can be used as a backup radio during emergency drills without the worry of being out 300+ dollars if you break it. The Baofeng UV5Ra dual band Amateur radio is a radio that will serve you for many years.
I can hear all the cringing and whining already. Sure, it’s Made in China, but with its very low price tag and durability, cheap jerseys the Baofeng UV5rA is getting great reviews, taking the CHEAP out of China once and for all.